en stillhet som döden translates into english as a stillness like death.

all of our material is available for free under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

BGUDNA - Other Plans for Field Experience

 BGUDNA - Other Plans for Field Experience

  1. Fit to Wear this Crown 13.8 MB
2. Maybe Warm Blooded 13.9 MB
3. Equally Obvious 21.8 MB
4. Miracles are Expected 12.7 MB
5. Natural Defenses 16.0 MB
6. Shot Full of Arrows 11.8 MB

a fascinating aural experience, BGUDNA's Other Plans for Field Experience is the artist's first release on en stillhet som döden. Björgvin Guðnason, the man behind BGUDNA, has crafted a dreamy and otherworldly EP, a listening experience both warm and wonderful, both dark and searching. each of the six tracks has its own emotion and texture, woven together artfully to form the whole of the album. Other Plans for Field Experience is truly worth the listen.